Upper Lachlan Landcare Inc. is the Umbrella organisation for Landcare groups in the Upper Lachlan Catchment.
Please note: If you already hold membership with a local Landcare group in Upper Lachlan, and they are a group member of Upper Lachlan Landcare, there is no need to have a second, direct, membership with Upper Lachlan Landcare. Your membership with your local Landcare group gives you an affiliated membership with Upper Lachlan Landcare – means you only need to join Landcare once in Upper Lachlan!
Please contact our Landcare Coordinator if you would like to check if your local Landcare group is a member of ULL. Or if you would like a group membership form so your local Landcare group can join ULL.
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or P: 0447 242 474
Annual Membership fee:
- $10 per household
3 Year Membership fees:
- $30 per household