Upper Lachlan contains diverse and significant biodiversity; however much of this has become very fragmented and degraded. Habitat connectivity is about establishing native habitat pathways and enhancing existing patches across our landscape to support survival and enhancement of our native flora and fauna populations. ULL also recognises increasing and enhancing areas of native vegetation provides an increase in ecological services including pest insect management, improved water and nutrient cycling, stock shelter and aesthetic appeal.

Within our Shire there are 105 threatened plant species, 102 threatened vertebrate species and 8 endangered ecological communities. It has been recognised that public reserves alone are not able to sustain ongoing biodiversity and so habitat conservation on private land is critical.

A partner project between Upper Lachlan Landcare, South East Local Land Services, Gunning District Landcare and Upper Lachlan Shire Council engaged local ecologist Tony Saunders to undertake the extensive and comprehensive research and prepare the Upper Lachlan Habitat Connectivity Prioritisation Plan (ULHCPP).

The ULHCPP identifies areas where revegetation projects may provide maximum conservation benefit to enable a deliberate and strategic approach to habitat connectivity efforts.

Click here to view the Habitat Connectivity Prioritisation Plan for the Upper Lachlan Local Government Area

Upper Lachlan Landcare are using the ULHCPP to leverage investment in revegetation projects in the Upper Lachlan Shire. In 2023/24 we are partnering with Transport for NSW to invest over $73,000 in habitat rehabilitation and restoration activities in the central and north western areas of the Shire.

Saving Our Superb Parrot

Upper Lachlan Landcare is excited to be one of 8 partner organisations in the Saving Our Superb Parrot Habitat Restoration Project. This project is funded by the NSW Department of Environment Saving Our Species (SoS) program, and partners with Boorowa Community Landcare, Hovells Creek Landcare, Mid Lachlan Landcare, Cowra Woodland Birds, Greening Australia and South East Local Land Services.

Through this project, funding is made available for landholders to protect living and dead large hollow-bearing eucalypt trees that provide nest sites for superb parrots. Funding will also support planting new paddock trees and shrubs and restoring woodlands to increase future habitat and landscape connectivity for superb parrots and many other threatened woodland fauna species.

Funding through this project enables Upper Lachlan Landcare to host information and awareness raising workshops; sharing the delights of Superb Parrots with our community. Upper Lachlan Landcare are also able to support landholders along the western edge of the Shire to plant paddock trees.


Click Here to learn more about Paddock Trees in Upper Lachlan

Click Here to learn more about Saving our Hollows

Click Here for Paddock Tree Planting Guidelines